Reliability of Gazprom / by Sergey Pravosudov, director of “The National Energy Institute” / 25.07.2023
2022 became check on durability for each person, for the companies and branches, for countries in general. In the conditions of external calls Gazprom continues harmonious, accurate and confident work, remaining a responsible supplier and a reliable partner.
As of December 31, 2022 in the territory of Russia reserves of hydrocarbons of Group Gazprom of the categories A+B1+C1 (taking into account a share in stocks of the organizations, investment in which are classified as joint operations) made 27942,9 billion CBM of the natural gas, 1262,4 million tons of gas condensate and 1757,7 million tons of oil. Total volume of hydrocarbons stocks of Gazprom Group of the categories A+B1+C1 there corresponds to 204,56 billion barrels of oil equivalent. A share of the Group in reserves of hydrocarbons of the categories A+B1+C1 of the associated organizations and joint ventures in the territory of Russia made 1747 billion CBM of natural gas, 160,7 million tons of gas condensate and 761,3 million tons of oil or totally 18,23 billion barrels of oil equivalent. High level of the prospecting works organization allows Gazprom to support low level costs of investigation. Average costs of completion of explored reserves hydrocarbons made last year 23,4 rubles for 1 barrel of oil equivalent. In the territory of Russia in 2022 3D seismic works in the amount of 10.1 thousand sq. km. were carried out. Search prospecting drilling passed 185,8 thousand meters of rocks, are finished with construction 42 wells on oil and gas, 40 wells produced inflow at test. Last year, for the purpose of additional exploration, recovery drilling was carried out using the sidetracking. The total driving made 10,4 thousand m. Construction of two productive wells was finished. It was allocated 100,8 billion rubles on production of prospecting works in 2022 (with the VAT). Geological exploration executed last year on hydrocarbon raw materials ensured completion of stocks. The most essential gain reserves of gas it is received on Tambeysky and Pestsovy fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and on Chayandinsky field in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). As a result of the executed prospecting works was discovered Seyakhinsky gas condensate field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area on the land of the Yamal Peninsula and 25 new deposits on the earlier open fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area: To Ugra, Tomsk region and Krasnoyarsk Krai. Efficiency of prospecting works in 2022 (excluding organizations, investments in which are classified as joint operations) made 23,2 thousand barrels of oil equivalent on 1 meter of drivings.
Following the results of 2022 production of natural and associated gas of Gazprom Group in the territory The Russian Federation made 412,94 billion cubic meters. Last year Gazprom Group extracted in the territory Russia 67,9 million tons oil and gas condensate, the associated organizations and joint ventures – 18,29 million tons. Increase in volumes of production of the liquid hydrocarbons by Gazprom Group was generally caused by commissioning last year of capacities (GTP production lines, operational wells) within implementation of projects of arrangement of sites 2, 4, 5 Achimov deposits of the Urengoy field. It was made significant progress in implementation of projects of development of Valanginian deposits of the Pestsovy oil and gas condensate field and oil fringes of a Botuobinsk deposit of Chayandinskoye oil and gas field. Increase in volumes of production hydrocarbons by the associated organizations and joint ventures in a share, falling on Gazprom Group, is also connected with the end in the second quarter 2022 of process of creation of joint venture for development of fields large oil and gas cluster in Nadym-Pur-Taz region the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area on the basis of Tazovsky oil and gas condensate field.
Transportation and storage
As of December 31, 2022 extent of the main gas pipelines (MGP) and the gas pipeline branches operated by gas transmission societies of Gazprom Group in the territory of the Russian Federation, reached 179,3 thousand km. Last year in the gas transmission system (GTS) of Gazprom in the territory of Russia arrived 596,71 billion CBM of gas. As of December 31, 2022 852,1 thousand km of gas-distributing networks on territories of Russia was in property and service affiliated and dependent gas-distributing organizations (GDO) of Gazprom Group. Transportation volume of natural gas on gas-distributing systems of affiliated and dependent GDO Gazprom in 2022 made 247,4 billion cubic meters. The Gazprom Group in the territory of the Russian Federation operates 23 UGS in 27 geological structures: 17 – in the exhausted gas fields, eight – in water-bearing layers and two – in deposits of rock salt. UGS are located in the main areas of consumption of gas, provide in the heating period to 22% of supply of gas to the Russian consumers and for export, and in days of the sharp cold snaps this indicator reaches 44% of the total amount of natural gas in Uniform to system of gas supply (ESG). It is the most effective and eco-friendly way of optimization global systems of gas supply. In 2022 from UGS of Russia 35,73 billion CBM of gas were selected, and 44,88 billion are downloaded gas CBM. Potential maximum daily productivity of the Russian UGS to the beginning of a season of selection 2022/23 reached the level of 852,4 million cubic meters.
In 2022, at the refining facilities of the Gazprom Group, excluding tolling raw materials prepared and processed 34.68 billion cubic meters of natural and associated gas, provided primary processing of oil and stable gas condensate in the amount of 57.47 million. It was cleared also stabilized 19,65 million tons of unstable gas condensate and oil at capacities of JSC Gazprom Processing and gas subsidiaries. The main contribution to increase in production of oil products Gazprom Group last year brought growth of production of automobile gasoline, diesel fuel, the main thing as a result of commissioning of a complex of deep oil refining on Omsk Refinery of Gazprom Oil. The Moscow Refinery organized production of new brands of hi-tech polymeric and bituminous binders and oil bitumen for road construction. High-quality change of structure of raw materials with the high contents petrol and diesel fractions allowed increasing production of commodity automobile gasoline and diesel fuel also at Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat Oil Refinery. According to the results of 2022, Gazprom Neft refineries are 100% provided with catalysts of catalytic cracking and hydrotreatment, produced by the technologies of the Group.
Domestic market
In 2022 the general consumption of gas in Russia made 486,6 billion CBM that is 5,7% lower the level of 2021. Decrease concerning the level of last year is caused, in particular by warmer weather conditions during the autumn-winter periods of 2021-2023. The main consumers of natural gas in Russia are producers of electric power and heat (35%), population (11%), oil industry (10%), household sector (8%), gas industry (5%), agrochemical industry (6%) and metallurgy (5%).
The Government of the Russian Federation determined by the uniform operator of gasification of the country the affiliated structure of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group – JSC Gazprom gasification. On a state for December 31, 2022 programs of development of gas supply and gasification for the period 2021-2025 worked for 72 regions. In 2022 construction of 177 inter-settlement gas pipelines with a general extent of 3,3 thousand km was completed. It allowed providing possibility of gas supply of 81,7 thousand households and apartments, as well as 350 boiler rooms in 423 settlements. Financing of investments into objects of the Program of gasification regions of the Russian Federation made last year 66 billion rubles. Within the PAO Gazprom investment program for gasification and gas supply construction of gas pipeline branches and gas-distributing stations (GDS) is continued. The actual volume of investment of PAO Gazprom in this direction made 76,7 billion rubles. Construction of 13 GDS with gas pipeline branches is completed. Last year, a large amount of work was carried out as a part of solving the problem of accelerated gasification of households in already gasified settlements: gas networks were laid to the borders of more than 0.5 million households in the country. Funding volume investments in the framework of the implementation of after-gasification measures amounted to 57.1 billion rubles. The Gazprom group conducts work on creation of low-tonnage LNG productions, including for autonomous gasification of settlements, considerably remote from main pipelines. Production infrastructure of low-tonnage LNG of Gazprom Group on a state for December 31, 2022 includes seven objects of liquefaction of natural gas: LNG facilities in The Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Moscow areas, Sverdlovsk region (in the cities Yekaterinburg and Pervouralsk), Perm Krai, and also installation of liquefaction natural gas in Vladivostok. As of December 31, 2022, projects for construction of three LNG facilities were under implementation — in Amur, Tver and Tomsk regions. In addition, as part of the implementation of the gasification program for the Sakhalin Region a financial and economic feasibility study for the LNG production project and its delivery to the islands of the Kuril chain, the relevant technical, technological and logistical solutions.
Gas motor fuel
As of December 31, 2022 on balance of the organizations of Gazprom Group and JSC Gazprom Gas Motor Fuel was 423 CNG filling stations with general productivity 3,14 billion CBM a year. Expansion of a network of the CNG filling station on balance happened due to input in operation of 19 new CNG filling stations and acquisition of 18 stations at third-party operators. Also in 2022 began operation of 11 more CNG filling stations of the third-party companies under franchise agreements. Volume of realization of the compressed natural gas (CNG) by the organizations of Group Gazprom and JSC Gazprom Gas Motor Fuel through own network of the CNG filling station on territories of the Russian Federation in reporting year increased to 979,2 million CBM, and taking into account the partner objects reached the level of 1057 million CBM or 71% of the total amount of compressed natural gas realized in Russian Federation. Since 2014 Gazprom has been making complex work on transfer of motor fuel own transport of subsidiaries to gas: the park operated by them gas engine vehicles reached 14050 units as of December 31, 2022 (63% of all mobile park of vehicles suitable for the translation for work on gas motor fuel). In total during 2014-2022 the total volume of consumption of natural gas (methane) in quality of motor fuel made 510 million CBM, the settlement economy connected with replacement of liquid motor fuel with natural gas, – 12,1 billion rubles and settlement decrease in emissions of the polluting substances in atmospheric air – 241 thousand tons.
Power industry
Russia’s largest vertically integrated an electric power holding that combined assets in the field of generating electricity and thermal energy, transmission and sale of thermal energy, as well as in related segments, such as power engineering, repair and maintenance services of machine-building complex, – Gazprom Energoholding. Gazprom is the largest producer of thermal energy in Russia, providing with heat more than 20 million people, including in federal value cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg. Last year the Group made 146,43 billion kWh of electric and 149,06 million Gcal of thermal energy. In 2022 net proceeds from sale of electric and thermal energy of Group «Gazprom» (minus the VAT) made 595 billion rubles.
The profit on sales of Gazprom Group in 2022 made 1935,2 billion rubles, the given EBITDA indicator was 3637,6 billion rubles. Profitability on the given indicator EBITDA of Gazprom Group last year made 31,2%. The total debt of Gazprom Group as of December 31, 2022 made 5065,9 billion rubles. The pure debt of Group made 3908,3 billion rubles as of the specified date. Coefficient of debt loading «A pure debt / the given EBITDA indicator» in 2022 was at the comfortable level 1,07.
International market
The world energy markets were characterized in 2022 by an imbalance of demand and offers in the market of gas, an unprecedented increase in prices, change of the directions supply of gas and decrease in its consumption in the world. The first signs of deficiency of gas on the world market appeared in 2021, when consumption of gas in a number of regions of the world significantly increased, and the majority of the energy companies could not provide delivery of the demanded volumes. As a result considerable part of a gain world consumption of gas in 2021 was covered at the expense of increase in production of PAO Gazprom that played an important role in stabilization of the situation and control of an increase in prices for gas on the trade platforms. In 2022 the imbalance of supply and demand of gas in the world significantly increased. As the main reason for it acceptance in a number of the countries of the European Union (EU) served politically motivated decisions directed on refusal of import of the Russian gas. Sharp decrease in import of the Russian pipeline gas by the European countries and the restrictions which also arose approximately in the same period in work of several large LNG production plants led to an essential increase in prices. Since September, 2021 their level exceeded oil parity (in terms of gas on calorific ability) in average twice. Average annual price on the European hub of TTF last year exceeded the average annual price of 2021 by 2,5 times. Since the fourth quarter of 2021 «the European award» to Asian spot price indexes was created in the market, which following the results of 2022 averaged $160 for one thousand cubic meters. Following the results of 2022 consumption of gas in the world was reduced more than on 70mlrd CBM (–2%) in comparison with the level of 2021. In general events of the last year confirmed the high importance of fossil fuel for world economy. Many countries in the power policy again are guided by availability of necessary energy resources, whereas the ecological indicators fade into the background. Consumption of coal in the world power in 2022 reached record values since 2013. Thus some European countries, which are the most active supporters of the green agenda, last year carried out or announced repeated commissioning of earlier closed coal warm and power plants and also extension of term of work of the operating capacities. Also growth of use of oil products in electric generation was noted. The high prices of gas led to reduction of its consumption in all sectors of the European economies. As a result, gas consumption in European non-CIS countries in 2022 year decreased by 70.3 billion cubic meters (12%) compared to the level of 2021 and amounted to 508.2 cubic meters. A weather factor rendered to Europe noticeable though not dominating influence on decrease in demand for gas in. Record-breaking high exchange quotations on gas and the prices of long-term import contracts and spot supply of LNG attached to them in 2022 had a consequence revision of policy of the forced refusal of coal and promoted partial replacement of gas in production of electricity and heat. Besides, a number of the industrial enterprises of Europe, which technological process not allowed switching to other types of fuel, reduced production or irrevocably stopped it. Decrease in consumption of natural gas by the industrial enterprises made in relation to the average level for 2019-2021: 62% in Germany, 28% – in The Netherlands and 34% – in Italy. The separate companies included in the production chain of multinational corporations, transferred production to sources more available natural gas, first of all in the USA. Key factors of the competition among suppliers were artificial restriction of volumes of export of the Russian gas on the European markets due to carrying out the blocking sanctions from the USA, the EU, Great Britain and introduction of reciprocal special economic measures by the government of Russian Federation; political solution of a number of the European buyers about refusal of purchases Russian gas, and also diversion on Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines in September, 2022. Replacement of Russian gas happened at the expense of a LNG import gain (163,6 billion CBM in 2022 against 105,3 billion CBM in the 2021st, or +55%). The main beneficiaries became the suppliers of LNG from the USA who redirected gas on the bonus European market initially intending for the Pacific Rim (PR) that allowed increasing shipments to 2,5 times (69,8 billion CBM in 2022 against 28,7 billion CBM in 2021 or +143%). Thus the gain of deliveries from the USA to three quarters is provided for the account of redirections of LNG parties from other regions, but not at the expense of increase in its production that actually led to growth of «power poverty» in developing countries. The contribution to the offer of gas in the European market was made also by own production which showed small gain (on 13,2 billion CBM or for 6%) for the first time for long time for the account maximizing use of capacities in Norway (+10,4 billion CBM) and Great Britain (+5,8 billion CBM). The total amount of production in the European distant abroad made 222,6 billion cubic meters. Aggravation of the situation and shortage of gas in the European market had negative impact on Asian market. Record gas prices limited demand from the Asian consumers that also promoted the redirection of LNG parties from China, India, Pakistan and Japan on the European market. Consumption of gas in Asia-Pacific countries decreased in 2022 on 20 billion CBM (–2% to the level of 2021). Total amount of pure import of LNG last year reached 393,7 million tons that on 19,6 million tons higher than the level of 2021. The increase in this indicator was provided only by European countries. A share of Europe in the world import of LNG increased in comparison with 2021 year from 20% to 31% while a share of ATR decreased from 73% to 65%. Import gain of LNG to Europe made 55% and is connected with the program on replacement of pipeline gas from Russia realized by the authorities of the EU. The main contribution to increase in purchases in the European region in 2022 was made by France, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Growth of LNG purchases by the European countries became possible first of all due to the lack tough competition for natural gas with China.
The role of natural gas in the global energy balance, despite limiting factors, will continue to grow. Growth will be promoted by reliability and ecological advantages gas as type of fuel. By 2040 consumption of natural gas in the world can reach near 5 trillion CBM that will exceed the level of 2022 by about 20%. The key role in increase in consumption of gas in the world will be played by China. It is predicted that the size of the natural gas market in China by the end of decade will exceed the total level of all countries of the European region. The People’s Republic of China can provide about 40% of growth world demand for gas in the next 20 years. High growth rate of demand for gas in China will provide sector of housing and communal services and industry, including connection with the gasification of new areas and the continuation of the campaign to transfer consumers from coal to gas. Essential role will also be played by increase in capacities of the gas generation within the solution of a task of decrease in emissions of greenhouse gases. The predicted growth of consumption of gas in China will be followed by the further increase in volumes of its import. Long-term forecasts of consumption of gas in the European region, on the contrary, differ the highest uncertainty. In medium-term prospect demand for gas in Europe will be defined by a price environment, and also existence of infrastructure for reception LNG and available volumes of LNG in the world market for satisfaction of demand for gas in region. Thus it is expected that in the long term of an initiative on to decarbonization, stimulation of development of renewables, and also to energy saving will lead to decrease in consumption of gas.